Course Description

Jumpstart your health this year with good nutrition and abundant energy so you can feel great in your body and do what you love to do.

I'll teach you how you can support and raise your metabolism naturally.  

Creating abundant energy, a faster metabolism, better recovery, healthy sustainable weight loss and hormonal balance.  

You'll learn invaluable skills that you can use to create lasting health and well being over a lifetime.

Senior Instructor

Allison Pelot

Allison is a holistic fitness trainer, nutrition and energy coach specializing in corrective exercise, metabolic nutrition and energetic alignment. She helps people feel strong, confident and calm in their bodies while teaching them practical energy skills like mindfulness, reflection and affirmations that aid and align them much faster in reaching their goals. Allison holds a BS in Exercise Science from GA State University and is a certified CHEK (Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology) Practitioner. She’s helped countless clients create the body and the life they desire.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome To Abundant Energy Nutrition

    • Welcome To Abundant Energy Nutrition

    • How To Use This Course

    • Disclaimer Before You Begin

    • Join The Abundant Energy Facebook Group

  • 2

    Module 1: Create Your Framework

    • Discover Your Core Values

    • Understanding Your Personal Values

    • Creating Your Vision

    • Setting Intention

    • Align Your Energy

  • 3

    Module 2: Establishing Your Baseline

    • Identify How You Nourish Yourself

    • Assess Your Metabolic Function

    • Creating A Food Logging Practice

  • 4

    Module 3: Shopping, Recipes & Meal Planning

    • Using Your Cookbook & Weekly Dinner Planner

    • Weekly Dinner Planner

    • Food List

    • Easy Delicious Recipes

    • Easy Chicken Broth Recipe

  • 5

    Module 4: Optimal Macros

    • Pure Energy Proteins

    • Essential Carbohydrates

    • Good Fats & Bad Fats

  • 6

    Module 5: Setting Your Stage For Success

    • Creating Accountability

    • Tools For Accountability

    • Food Frequency & Serving Size

    • Action Items PDF

  • 7

    Module 6: Rest & Recovery

    • Breathing & Your Metabolism

    • Create Your Calm

    • How To Get Better Sleep

    • Body Mantra

    • Clearing Resistance & Opening Space To Receive In Your Body Meditation

    • Sound Healing With Vocal Toning

  • 8

    Module 7: Better Digestion, Assimilation & Absorption

    • Real Food First

    • Get Your Nutrients From Your Food

    • Beneficial Fiber

    • The Benefits Of Salt

    • Light Supplementation - Vitamin D

  • 9

    Module 8: Circulation & Mobility

    • Hydration For Better Mobility

    • Breathing Mechanics Part 1 & 2

    • Foam Rolling For Lower Body

    • Flexible Stable Spine Sequence

  • 10

    Bonus Resources

    • Recommended Reads

    • Anti-Factory Farm Shopping

  • 11

    Post-Course Survey

    • Survey